British Infantry before the attack, WWI era /35114/

British Infantry before the attack, WWI era /35114/

Scale: 1:35

Barcode: 35114

Series: World War I era

Box size:  mm

The work of our customers:

Author - Jeremy Vallance, the United Kingdom Author - Jeremy Vallance, the United Kingdom Author - Jaime Bruno Artero, Spain Author - Jose Manuel Gomez Garcia, Spain Author - Todd Koonce, the USA Author - Harry Heaviside, the UK Author - Rémy Shearer, Switzerland  Author - Marco Campomagnani, Italy Author - Ed Alberts, the USA Author - Michel Zeller, Switzerland Author - Brian O'Mahony, Ireland Author - Martina Marelli, Italy Author - Michel Zeller, Switzerland Author - Robert Blokker, the Netherlands Author - Mathieu Stukkens, Belgium Author - Houart Douglas, Belgium Author - James Hupkens, the Netherlands

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