Munitionsschlepper /3504/

Scale: 1:35
Barcode: 3504
Series: Vehicles
Box size: mm
Attention! The Master Box Team informs regretfully that this kit has been taken out of production and is no longer in stock. Our distributors may have some supplies of this kit in stock.
The battles on the Russian Front in 1941 revealed the complete obsolescence of light, machine gun armed tanks, against their Russian counterparts. As a commander of one of the panzer groups said, "A tank equipped with a gun less than 75 mm has no chance of survival on the Eastern Front." By 1942 the PzKfw 1A and 1B had been withdrawn from frontline service. A number of these vehicles were converted to ammunition tractors. This was accomplished by removing the turret and adding a simple metal box atop the superstructure. 12 of these vehicles are known to have seen service with the 1st SS Division, "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"
Tactical and Technical Specifications of ammunition transporter
Fighting weight, t 5,4
Crew, persons 1
Overall dimensions, mm:
- length/width/height/clearance 4020/2060/1720/250
Armor thickness, angle of slope, mm/deg.
- head of the hull 13/22
- side and rear stern of the hull 13/22
- bottom 6/190
- roof 6/90
- turret head 13/10
Maximum rate of movement on highway, km/hour 57
Cruising range , km:
- on highway/on the ground surface 145/100
Obstacles negotiated:
- angle of climb, deg./ditch width, m 30/1,4
- wall height, m/ford depth, m 0,36/0,58
Power, h.p./ kW under 2500 rev./min 57/42
Fuel consumption under motion on highway, l/km 100/100
Fuel reserve, l 144